Hey lovely readers!
Today’s post is not a very crafty one, though it can help you in organizing and cleaning some of your wire clutter.
So, we have this spot in our room by the PC with HUGE wire mess beside it which gave a very disorganized and messy look to that corner.
See? That\s what I’m talking about! Super UGLY FUGLY!
So, after some brainstorming I came up with this burlap covered box hiding spot which you can see in the video. It’s super easy to make and I think would’ve worked without a tutorial, lol, but just had to share something on our DIY video tutorial day.
So, there you go!
Let me know what you guys think!
IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m so sorry I hadn’t thought about the safety issue related to this post until a wonderful reader pointed it out. So, to stay on the safe side I suggest that you cover the wires with insulating material first. Although the chances of hazard are same as placing the wires on carpet.
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This post first appeared on Believe&Inspire.
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