I have a love-hate relationship.
It’s mostly love. But, it depends on the situation.
It’s different when I go to Saudi Arabia and something else here, in Malaysia.
In Saudi Arabia, women can’t drive, we have to wait all day long for dad to come home so we can go outside.
Maybe, that’s the reason I always crave nightlife as opposed to going out at the day. I LOVE seeing the city alive with all the beautiful lights at night.
I will always be a night-life big city girl. I just found that out after I got into a college in a small city. I absolutely hate it.
I have a love-hate relationship with online shopping.
It’s mostly love because it gives me more time to sew instead of spending useless hours at the mall. Also, I can browse through gazillion things without getting tired. But, it drives me nuts when the parcels don’t arrive on time or when the payment doesn’t get accepted for some reason. And, when their online inventory isn’t updated.
But, I would always overlook these minor negative points if I were in Saudi Arabia. Because, over there something is better than nothing. I can get everything I want without having to drag my dad in it.
There are some online stores that make it even more worthwhile to shop online.
Here’s a list of some of the best online fabric stores. Why are they the best? Well, because of their awesome perks and discounts. I have listed them down here with all the perks they offer. If you subscribe to their newsletters, you would also be alerted with the seasonal sales and discounts. Some of the stores are also online quilt fabric stores.
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12 Best Online Fabric Stores with Huge Perks
1. Fabric.com has great daily deals as well as a 25% discount on your first order after you sign up for their email list. They have apparel fabric, home decor fabric, quilting fabric as well as notions and patterns. CLICK HERE to check out discounted fabrics on FABRIC.COM.
2. Fat Quarter Shop: I LOVE this place. They have some AMAZING fabric collection along with things like Monthly Quilting Subscription Box.
They also run monthly sales AND promos on selected items so be sure to subscribe to their newsletter to get notified. CLICK HERE to check out this month’s promo.
3. Loralie Designs is perfect for some unique sewing and pet-themed fabrics. They also offer international shipping for just $25.25 delivered in 6-10 days. CLICK HERE to check out the shop.
4. Half Price Drapes: This is a perfect place to shop for all kinds of upholstery fabric at a super affordable rate. Be sure to sign up for their newsletter to stay updated about their current promos. They also offer FREE SHIPPING every day.
5. Cricut: Yep, with the introduction of the new Cricut Maker, Cricut has now expanded to offer lots of fabric which goes on sale every now and then. These days the designer fat quarter bundles are at 40% off.
CLICK HERE to check out their recent deals. Subscribe to their newsletter to get notified about the sales.
6. The Smuggler’s Daughter: They have a special collection of eco-friendly fabrics along with the other fabrics.
7. Premium Sewing Outlet: You get 10% off for signing up for their newsletter. They’re also having a back to school sale. Visit this page for details. This is a great place to shop for embroidery designs, sewing supplies like fabric cutters, pressing tools, threads, notions, patterns, and books.
9. Harts fabrics: Gives you the opportunity to join their sewing club through which you can earn rewards and free fabrics.
10. Quilt home has daily coupons! It is also a great place to shop for collection fabrics. They have a huge range of fabrics from different designers that you won’t find easily. I fell in love with Downton Abbey collection.
11. Elliot Berman Textiles gives you 10% off code for your first order. They also have deals of the day.
12. Decorator’s Best offers $20 off your first order.
BONUS: Before you leave, I have another great store recommendation, which is Craftsy. They have a couple of great designer fabrics that you can purchase at affordable rates during their sales period. If you sign up for our email list on the sidebar you can get notified about when the sale starts and get your favorite pieces in time.
CLICK HERE to check out their current promotion!
So did you like this list? Do you know more of online fabric stores that offer great perks? Share in the comments below. Before you leave, don’t forget to pin this post for future reference or share with your sewing circle on Facebook. We have sharing icons at the bottom for that. 😀

I have used Fabric.com, I ordered samples and then later the fabric, it was a great deal and I would definitely use them again, it was silk duponi for drapes and pillows and we still love them 8 years later!
Yeay! Thanks for the great info. It’s cool that you can get a sample first because it’s so hard to decide online. The readers will definitely love this review. 🙂
GirlCharlee.com is amazing for knit fabrics! They have a huge selection and offer a free swatch service to see any fabrics in person before you buy. Shipping is only $7.99 and first time customers get a 10% off discount coupon emailed to them upon account creation 🙂
Might be super if one lived in the U.S. We are only allowed approx imately $23 before tax at 20% is liable and a further £8 payable to our post office to collect same tax.
I shopped Fabric.com on black Friday, wow it was great. I got the best fabric deals of my life that day. It was impressive.
There is a Hancock Fabrics in Paducah, KY. it is the same family who owned the other ones but not part of the chain. They have thousands of quilting fabrics and a lot of Decorator fabrics.
I have been dealing with Hancock’s of Paducah for over 25 years and their online site is fabulous. They have an enormous range and have very good sales as well.
It’s great to get a parcel from them here in Western Australia.
Hancock’s of Paducah which is quite a well known fabric store for quilters is still open. Hancock Fabrics (not connected) which was a chain store went out of business. Hancock’s of Paducah has great sales.
We have a Hancock fabrics here that is still open. South Carolins
Just read that Hancock is getting taken over by Michaels. They were going to stay at the same locations that they are now.
I love the Hancocks in Paducah – but they are not affiliated with the Hancock Chain across the US. They are a family owned business.
Great place, great on line deals often. I drive 3 1/2 hours to see them occasionally
I am not a big fan of JoAnn fabrics. If you are going to spend all that time on a quilt you want to make sure you get high quality fabric. The fabric might look and feel okay but, once you wash it, the sizing goes out and the thread count is not up to par. Other items other than fabric, awesome!
I agree about the fabric at JoAnns. I bought some fabric for the border of a quilt and once I got it on I noticed a defect in the fabric on one side. I have never been impressed with JoAnn’s fabric. I buy from Hancock’s of Paducah all the time online, as well as Fabric.com and Missouri Star Quilt, all online. We have no quilt shops here, only a JoAnn store.
I have ordered from Missouri Star Quilt Company on a number of occasions. They have great pre-cut sales and you can earn points for each dollar you earn. Shipping rates are good too.
I love Missouri Star. They carry a great variety of fabric. Shipping is very low, and sometimes free. Order to delivery time is very good!
Is Fabric.com reputable? I was going to order a large amount of oilcloth from them but then i read terrible reviews on Google. They ranged from dirty, faded fabric to slow shipping or items never shipped at all. I am trying to start an online business and my funding is very limited so I can afford to make a bad purchase. Thank you
I will post this question on the page and ask the other readers for their experience as I haven’t ordered from them.
Just ordered from them a couple of weeks ago. Material was clean and even though the tracking said it would be about 8 days, I had it in 5. It was a lot faster than trying to get something from Joanns online
I actually received an order from Fabric.com today. Not even a week ago I ordered 2.5 yards of 108 inch wide fabric for a quilt backing. I’m going to wash it and cut it to size (a 10 inch allowance on all 4 sides is required) before I send it to the longarm quilter with my quilt. I get orders from them all the time and have never had a problem. Always been happy with what I order.
I just ordered from fabric.com . They always send my orders before the time they give me. I’m always pleased. But I hate going to Joann fabrics never have what I want I really miss Hancock.
I have been buying from Fabric.com for years. Always great fabric,
Great return policy and no problems at all. Sometimes people like to complain but not say good things about a product.
Been shopping fabric.com for years! Love them. You can order swatches. You have great customer care! Nice sales and unbelievable selection. Highly recommend
My opinion is that Fabric.com was a much more reliable business before being bought by Amazon. I had hit or miss Fabrics based on what they described and what I actually received. Use to shop them often. Not so much now
Missouri Star has a great daily deal and the best customer service
I agree. I loooove that store for quilting fabrics! They send you free stuff aaaaand I love the personalized notes they write on my invoices!
try connecting threads…. their fabric is the best quality i have ever seen and their prices are excellent!!!
Hi, Try out fabricspark.com. I like to think we have the most beautiful fabric, and newsletter subscribers get regular updates on deals, special buys, promotions and more. We ship worldwide, and we have the most fun.
I order from Fabric.com and Connectingthreads.com frequently and have never been disappointed with the quality or cleanliness of the fabric. . Fabric-store.com is an awesome site to get wide width high quality linen in several weights. If you’re looking for linen, they are very reasonably priced for rustic and high quality 100% linen. The online color swatches are not the best, but they do have offer inexpensive samples. If you sign up you get notification of their daily sales and flash sales. You also accumulate points with purchases which translate into additional savings on future purchases. Happy shopping!
I am a big fan of 5bucksayard. Some fabrics are a little more than $5 but then some are $3.99.
I love Missouri star Quilt Company. Not only for the daily deals, which I have gotten very addicted to checking every day (good marketing on their part!) but especially because their regular ever day prices are consistently cheaper across the board than most sites and they cut generously too. Their customer service is tops! I much prefer doing business with people that have phones. Cuz sometimes you have to talk to a human being, you know! In case you have a question or something. And of course Jenny and her free tutorials can’t be beat!
You should take out Hancocks and put MSQC on the list instead.
Great! Thanks for the info.
I can’t believe BestFabricStore.com (formally WarehouseFabricsInc.com) wasn’t mentioned. They are by far the fastest shipping, with amazing selection, very high quality fabrics, FREE shipping (on $35+) with first order coupon, PLUS FREE shipping ($35+) on next purchase for writing a review. Military discounts, frequent shopper program, 10% off next purchase ($10 max) when you submit your completed project photo to the gallery, and reduced pricing if buying in bulk! They have several options when it comes to shipping speeds and methods, not to mention you can request your fabric be on rolls instead of folded! You can pay via major credit cards, paypal, and amazon! They are my first and usually only go to now for fabric shopping online!
Missouri Star Quilt Company is wonderful! Watch their weekly video on YouTube, sign up for daily deal and get their magazine & books. Try to visit their little town of Hamilton, Missouri. They have different fabrics in 13 different vintage stores. It is the home town of JC Penney. It has become the Disney World for Quilters. They even have a retreat center! Bus loads of quilters have been to their town including myself. Loved it! Met Jenny Doan herself, the YouTube quilting lady! Awesome person! Beautiful fabric at a decent price for top quality quilting fabric.
My favorite quilt shop is my friend’s little online shop – https://www.etsy.com/shop/Thimbleanna. She’s small, but she has many high-quality beautiful prints — PLUS Liberty of London. She rarely has sales because her everyday prices are discounted. Her service is quick too!
I regularly and consistently shop at Fabric.com, Fashion Fabrics Warehouse, and Denver Fabrics. All three vendors have a great selection, competitive prices, and offer regular deals. Also, the shipping costs are minimal or nonexistent if you buy the minimum amount, which varies. While I have no quarrel with the fabric quality at JoAnn.com, their website is maddening and woefully inadequate, even during non-business hours.
If you guys are looking for a great place to buy fabric from then i know a quilt shop that i would recommend.
I love the Missouri star . They are wonderfully helpful and have a great selection . Good prices as well and great tutorials . Love Spoonflower as well if you want to create your own fabric ,, Lots of fun to have your own designs .
Unless you live in the centre of the universe (USA), postage overseas makes shopping at these stores far too expensive – deals or not.
I’ve been shopping at fabric.com for quite some time. Their fabric is top quality, wrapped in plastic bags, and quickly shipped in less than 10 days. I’ve never been disappointed.. It would be hard for me to shop elsewhere.
Just returned stateside after 15 years in Charan, KSA. Loved shopping for apparel fabrics in Thugba and Dammam. All manufacturing countries represented at fabulous prices. France, Italy, India, Japan, all present and makes the offers from US stores pitiful. But, Fabric.Com has been a reliable source for standard patterned knits with good delivery. Joann’s is just pitiful for apparel sewing. Quilters and crafty folk is the priority. Looking forward to my next trip to the middle east for cool fabs.
Try Elegant Stitches out of Cary N Carolina. I have traveled all over on the east coast when my husband was working in Specialty Freight deliveries and I found this little gem. Their prices are fair and their basic stock solids come in 60″ wide as well as 45″. If you can’t get there you can view them online. Their specialty is heirloom sewing but I think quilters and those of us who just love to sew will love it too. They have maybe two sales a year that on line shoppers can participate on and they are usually 20% off
You forgot a few! Thousandsofbolts.com is excellent; but Marshallsdrygoods.com has prices that will knock you out. I mean $8.99 for 108″ backing; anywhere from $1.99 to $6.99/yd for most fabrics AND they are name brand fabric manufacturers. Quality for both of these companies is top notch.
My favorite is a place called ilovefabric.com. Great company…great fabric…on time shipping….up to date inventory….and a phone if you need extra help. Try it you won’t be dissatisfied.. another idea is a small shop on Etsy called …stacks of stash…
Try Quilt in a Day for great deals on quilting fabrics. They always have a lot of fabrics for $6.00/yd. as well as current fabrics. Something quilt-related is on sale every day. quiltinaday.com
Dry Marshal Goods another online store, fast shipping and good cotton fabrics
For apparel sewing, I love FabricDepot..com – they regularly offer 60% off whole categories – cotton shirting, linen, silk, wools and any variation thereof. I’ve gotten a ton of cotton shirtings for $4 or less a yard, linen for $10 a yard or less, and silks anywhere from $4 to $12 – FOR PURE SILKS!! And I love the way they deliver – the fabric is cut and then labelled with the fiber content, width, yardage, so when you put it away, you’ll be able to remember what you have and how much, Silks are placed in plastic bags so they are protected in case the box gets wet! It really is an awesome place. For higher end fabrics, there is Mood.com and SawyerBrook .com